Knovva Student Club JAPAN🇯🇵
Absorb. Build. Collaborate. Deliver.
Knovva Student Clubとは
Knovva Student Clubとは、米国・ボストンに本部を置く教育団体"Knovva Academy"とKnovvaのプログラムであるModel G20サミットのこれまでの参加者が運営するオンラインエデュケーショナルプラットフォームです。メンバーは複数のプログラムの中から関心のあるものを自由に選択することができます。また、世界各地のStudent Clubと、Discussion BoardやZoomを通して討論などを通した交流をすることができます。なお、費用は一切かかりません。
★COVID-19 Course

We are Socially Distant. Our Learning is Not.
Since the end of 2019, the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has reordered the way the world works. Thousands of people are out of school and work and are staying at home, trying their best to adjust to this temporary new normal. In Pandemics and Public Health, Knovva Academy is seizing this moment to prepare the next generation of leaders with the tools and understanding they need to get through this crisis.
In this web-based and interactive lecture series, Knovva Academy is partnering with world-renowned scientists and public health experts to provide students and teachers with accurate information and access to an online community where they can:
about COVID-19 and how public health institutions around the world are addressing it
with peers from around the world while social distancing
critical thinking skills through interactive simulations and research projects

★Foundations for Climate Action

Lessons include:
-Introduction to Climate Action
-Community, Responsibility, and Action
-Leveraging Nature for Climate Action
-The Global Consequences of Shifting Currents
-The Past, Present and Future of Energy
-Culture Considerations for Multilateral Conversation
-Preparing to Shift the Status Quo

Contact us
24 School Street, Second
Floor, Boston MA 02108